gen 5 accessory kit using LS truck accessories 07 up Truck Water pump
gen 5 accessory kit using LS truck accessories 07 up Truck Water pump
accessory drive kit designed to make Gen 5 (LT1) engines, like the ones found in newer Camaros and Corvettes, fit into a wider range of vehicles. This kit is particularly aimed at reconfiguring the accessories (water pump, power steering, tensioner, etc.) to be compatible with different setups, including both air conditioning (A/C) and non-A/C systems.
Compatibility: The kit uses Gen 5 engine components (from LT1 and similar Gen 5 engines) and adapts them to be used with LS truck accessories. It includes port adapters for water pumps, making it easier to fit these engines into various vehicles.
Water Pump Options: The kit supports two main water pump setups:
No A/C or low A/C: It uses a 2007 and up truck water pump or the 2010 Camaro 6.2 water pump. This also involves using the 2000 Corvette 5.7 tensioner.
A/C Option: The kit offers a special LSS A/C compressor, which works with either the truck or Camaro 6.2 water pump (both 2007 and up options).
Power Steering: A 99 and up Chevy truck LS power steering pump is required for the conversion.
VVT Sensor Adjustment: For Gen 5 kits, the VVT (Variable Valve Timing) sensor has to be rotated counter-clockwise by one set of mounting holes. This means two of the mounting holes will line up, but one will overlap slightly. This is a simple modification often referred to as "hotrodding" in the context of custom builds.
This kit essentially makes it possible to swap a modern LT1 engine into various vehicles by allowing the use of common parts like truck water pumps, tensioners, and A/C compressors, making the swap easier and more affordable.